Contoh Teks MC atau Pembawa Acara dalam Bahasa Inggris


Ladies and gentlemen
Now let's step in the first point of the agenda namely the opening. I think it's better to begin our program with the reading of ummul qur'an. Through the reading of ummul qur'an we expect Alloh blesses our program. Al fatihah.............

Thank you, let's continue of agenda. the second point of the agenda is the reading qur'an verses that will be performed by Umul Khikmah. it's the time for you to be on this stage,please..

Thank very much for the good and beautifull recitation and shalawat. Now we move to the third point of the agenda namely welcoming speeches.
The first speech will be presented by the prinsiple of islamic boarding school al fatah, please welcome Mrs. Hj Fitri Muhlisoh

Thanks for your interesting speech, may Alloh always show us to the right path.
The second speech will be hold by school committee. to Mr. H. Hanafie we cordially ask you to present your welcoming speech on this stage, please.

Thank you for valuable advice. may Alloh always show us to the right path.
The continue of the agenda is discussion. The discussion will be conducted by Mr. Zainul Arifin and continue with pray. this time for you to be on this stage, please.

Thank you very much for the discussion and pray God bless us.
Alhamdulilah, praise be to Alloh all point of our agenda have run smoothly. Now we step in the closing will be in.

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_Ali bin Abi Thalib_

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